Advertising Unit - Semester 2

Tue, Mar 2


DUE  TODAY:  Your own ad analysis/letter to potential clients of yuor ad company 


FOCUS  TODAY:  Reflection on the ad unit


Today is a “wrap” to our advertising unit.


  1. I will hand back your first piece of writing. On day 2 you gave your opinion on whether advertising was worthy of study. Read what you wrote then. Think about what you have seen and heard over the course of the unit. REFLECT in writing on a new piece of notebook paper. Write a paragraph or two on these thoughts: Has your thinking changed? If so, what is different now? How has “slowing down” to take a look at advertising changed how you see it? Ultimately, do you feel it is worthy of study? VALUE ADDED: You might discuss a few ad techniques you learned about and suggest how, with your new knowledge, you “see” ads differently.
  2. All ads try to reach a specific target audience. In fact, you analyzed a few ads and even created one that was aimed at a specific target audience. QUESTION: If you are trying to persuade someone, how important is it to know and understand target audience? In your reply, you might recall as an example an ad that you thought was effective at reaching its target audience. You may also discuss the potential effects of not taking audience into consideration when developing a persuasive argument.
  3.  “The Ad and the Ego” video, the professors discussed the evolution of advertising: informational early on to emotional and symbolic in the late 1900s to the present. Recalling what you saw in the video, combined with your class notes, discuss this evolution, and propose why today’s ads are more effective than those produced many years ago. Your reply might touch on: logos and pathos. How symbols influence people. The difference between how words and pictures affect readers/viewers. VALUE ADDED: You might give an example of how a product may have been advertised “back then” vs how the product is advertised today to show that you see how advertising has changed.
  4. Copy the following list of assignments from the unit, as though you’re making a checklist:
    1. ½ sheet feedback “Is studying ads relevant?” from the first day of class
    2. Paragraph feedback “Is studying ads relevant?” (it may be on a sheet w/ class notes) from ½ way through the unit
    3. Ad analysis – informal (likely hand-written)
    4. Ad analysis – formal (typed and detailed)
    5. Identify if the ad you made is ON COMPUTER or ON PAPER, and if it is completed! (Ex: On computer, completed)
    6. Letter to a potential client “selling” your services as an ad creator
    7. Viewing questions on “The Ad and the Ego”

Use it as a checklist – it should be obvious to me which assignments you completed and have ready to turn in. Please indicate if an item is on the school server. At the end of the list, tell me which assignment was an example of your best work, and explain the value of that assignment on your learning!



Fri, Feb 26


DUE  TODAY:  Optional - Your own ad analysis/letter to potential clients of your ad company (due next class)

HOMEWORK  TONIGHT:  Polish the replies to the video

FOCUS  TODAY:  Impact of advertising, "reading"  a video text


We will view the first part of the documentary "The Ad and the Ego"



1.         What does Jhally mean when he says, “We need to get the fish to think about the water?”

2.         If you feel you are not affected by advertising, then who do you think is?

3.         They say advertising’s purpose is to create demand. What would be the effect on the economy and employment if consumer demand for goods fell?

4.         Why does McGane say, “One message you’ll never hear is, ‘You’re okay’”?

5.         What are the consequences if the ideal woman (shown in ads) is unattainable?

6.         Why do you think ads that appeal to emotion rather than reason are more effective?


If you liked "The Ad and the Ego"  you can watch it w/ the link provided above and use the full teacher/study guide to further explore media's influence on our society.


Wed, Feb 24


DUE TODAY: Original ad

HOMEWORK TONIGHT: Analyze your own ad in two paragraphs

FOCUS TODAY: Writing an analysis


Students will write an analysis of a student-created ad


Imagine you represent an advertising company. Your company has produced this ad, and now there are certain companies that are thinking about hiring you to make ads for their products as well. Yet before they hire you they want to know that you don't just "throw together" your work.


Write a proposal to your new potential clients that begins "Dear Sirs:". Tell them clearly that you hope to earn their business, and use your ad as an example of how you create complex work.


Click to see a MODEL AD ANALYSIS that is based on the outline below:

Paragraph One:


·         The ad techniques used in the ad AND how to "see" each technique (I wish to point out the techniques used in my ad. Firstly, I included .... This technique can be seen when looking at ....)

·         A clear statement of your target audience (I designed this advertisement for a specific audience, and that audience is ...)


·         How these values would appeal to the target audience of the ad



Mon, Feb 22


DUE TODAY: Nothing - continued work on ad creation

HOMEWORK TONIGHT: Complete the ad!

FOCUS TODAY: Work day on ad creation


In computer lab 102 for ad creation work


Thu, Feb 18


DUE  TODAY:  Ad evaluation

HOMEWORK  TONIGHT:  Continue working on your ad creation project

FOCUS  TODAY:  Editing the ad analysis/evaluations, brainstorming ideas for a new ad


In computer lab 104

Checklist to evaluate your paragraph:

___ I included the name of the product

___ I stated what the product is (shoe, shampoo, car, etc.)

___ I stated where I found the ad

___ My description is complete and clear (check each item below)

___ Location of items in the image (lower left, upper half, centered, etc.)

___ Colors - variety and location

___ People - amount of space taken

___ People - expressions on faces

___ People - race/ethnicity

___ People - social status

___ People - physical movement or pose

___ Tag line and relevant ad copy

___ I identified and named at least one major ad technique

___ I explained how to identify the technique in my ad

___ I stated what human values and desires are reached through the ad

___ I stated my guess at the target audience

___ I explained how the values/desires in the ad would appeal to the target audience


TRANSITION into the unit project: Create an ad!


Tue, Feb 16


DUE  TODAY:  One ad, with your ideas of how it "works"  to sell values, desires

HOMEWORK  TONIGHT:  Complete your formal ad analysis of one ad (described below)

FOCUS  TODAY: Transforming observations to analysis - samples


Today we take your notes about the ad you selected and explore how to turn those notes into a formal analysis.


Use the info on the ad analysis handout (given in class)  to create a two-paragraph analysis of this advertisement

Paragraph One:


·         The ad techniques used in the ad (The ad uses the techniques of _____ and _______ primarily.)

·         How to find/identify the techniques in the ad (The viewer can see the use of individuality in the ad copy. When the ad says, “Rock your own anthem” it appeals to the sense that we can be our own person – making our own music.)

·         What values are addressed

·         How these values would appeal to the target audience of the ad


Thu, Feb 11


An in-class discussion about real human values and desires, then how ads target those desires in the way they present products to us.


Tue, Feb 9


DUE  TODAY: Did you pull ads featuring images of men and women?


FOCUS  TODAY:  How the world of advertising features men and women


In-class exploration of how men and women are portrayed in the world of advertising as we look at the ads people brought to class.


VIDEO:  Parts 1-3 of Jean Kilbourn's "Still Killing Us Softly" - a college lecture about the way women are portrayed in ads, and the potential effects



Fri, Feb 5


DUE TODAY: Nothing in writing


FOCUS TODAY: The ten remaining ad techniques will be presented


First we will take a short quiz on ad techniques. Then we'll have notes on the remaining ten techniques


As HOMEWORK (If not completed in class):

Because advertising in American magazines is tricky, imagine that you must explain this ad to a foreign pen pal who has NOT learned about ad techniques

Write a note to this friend using the following outline:



Wed, Feb 3


DUE TODAY: At least one magazine we can use for our ad unit


FOCUS TODAY: Advertising techniques 


An introductory video featuring the difference among PATHOS, ETHOS, and LOGOS is given.

Handout on pathos, ethos, logos with examples


Definitions of further advertising techniques (click link for a master list)

After taking notes on the techniques of advertising, you will dive into the magazines looking for examples of these techniques. We will post the ads on the wall, categorizing them according to ad technique.


Mon, Feb 1


DUE TODAY: Nothing in writing

HOMEWORK TONIGHT: Bring a magazine we can use in class

FOCUS TODAY: What are the "mass media?" pathos, logos, ethos


Today we begin with a brainstorming activity that will help you understand what comprises the "mass media"

  1. Make a list of all the technology you an think of that allows people to communicate
  2. Put an asterisk (star) next to those technologies that allow mass communication - communication to a large group at once
  3. These are the mass media we came up w/ in class:
    1. Print media: newspapers, magazines, books, paper mail, etc.
    2. Billboards/signs
    3. Film/cinema
    4. Internet
    5. Phone (think "Twitter")
    6. Videogames
    7. Television
    8. Radio
    9. Telegram

Introduction to advertising

First unit = advertising, the only common characteristic of all media (besides the desire to communicate)

Basic vocabulary: