Gender Roles and Rhetoric


Embedded in these lessons is the RESEARCH PAPER as well


Thu, Mar 31


DUE TODAY: Hard copy of research paper

HOMEWORK: Bring your most recent college app essay

FOCUS: Vocab, a brief history of the Chinese Cultural Revolution and the Great Awakening


Vocab quiz!


Paper due!


Pwrpt to introduce "Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress"


Wed, Mar 30



HOMEWORK: Finish up, polish off, and submit the research paper

FOCUS: Final revisions


Today we are in the computer lab for the last work day on the research paper. Today is about identifying what areas need work before the final product is submitted. Questions and ideas for revision are posted on the Research Project page under "Revision Info" 


NOTES: When you login to TURNITIN, don't worry if you're still in the class for last semester. I did not shift anyone from first to fifth or fifth to first, even if you physically moved from one class to the other at semester. You will find assignments for the College App Essay, the BIG RESEARCH PAPER, and under that, a "PeerMark" assignment. This new feature allows you to read papers from other students and make comments. Don't worry - your comments will not determine their grade. Your comments only help the student determine to what extent their paper is truly a finished product. I have set the system to ASSIGN YOU one random paper from the class, YOU SELECT one paper, and then you REVIEW YOUR OWN as well.




Tue, Mar 29



HOMEWORK: Research paper

FOCUS TODAY: Research questions/clarifications, an article about getting into college


Items of note from yesterday's assembly:

Items of note regarding research 

Article: "How to get your kid into the Ivy League" from the book "Crazy U" by Andrew Ferguson



Mon, Mar 28



HOMEWORK: Research Essay Edits/Modifications

FOCUS: Peer Review


NOTE: Today is an assembly schedule (bullying)


The peer review session in class is covered in detail on the Research Project page under "Peer Review"



Fri, Mar 25




Latest Info:

FOCUS: Writing with rhetorical strategies


Honors English 11 Prompt - 25 Minutes

You have noticed in the news a series of stories about teens behaving badly. The subjects of these stories have begun to give teens in the community a poor reputation due to their immature behavior. You decide to write an editorial for the local newspaper, with the intended audience the parents of any teen. The title of your editorial is, “How to Know Your Child Is No Longer a Child.”

Within your editorial, fulfill the promise of the title. Consider our discussions and readings the past four days.

Within your editorial, include purposeful, clear, effective use of at least a few items below:


Thu, Mar 24


DUE TODAY: Response to yesterday's prompt

HOMEWORK: Research paper

FOCUS: Tone, milestones, childhood vs. adulthood



(A Venn Diagram is Probably Best, but a 3-Column Table Will Do)

For Men

For All

For Women

Get first job


Eagle Scout

Promotion (mgmt.)



Graduating HS

Driver License

First car






Feel part of something

Child arrival

18 – vote



Moving out

First house

A pet

First grandchild

Lose virginity

First bank account/paychk


Giving birth (first child)

Sweet Sixteen

First romance/kiss


Girl Scout Gold Medal






Poem in class: Lucille Clifton’s “wishes for sons”


Overview: A female narrator/speaker talks of the “wishes” she has for sons, mentioning uncomfortable and embarrassing situations and events in the life of a woman, including early and late periods, blood clots, and menopause. In the last stanza, the speaker mentions arrogance among male gynecologists.


  1. How would you characterize Clifton’s poem – sympathetic? Hostile? Identify an idea for the tone of the poem and support it w/ evidence.

Ideas: diabolical, hostile, mean, humorous, bitter, sinister

Notes: Does the speaker really want “them” in the poem to experience all the listed items? If not, then how can the poem’s tone be sinister or diabolical? Some bitterness is there, because there’s the sense that the gynecologists, who are supposed to be experts on women’s health, do not understand the challenges of women and even are arrogant about what they think they understand. Problem: The title is “wishes for sons” – why would a female speaker want her son to have these horrible experiences? Not so much the wish for her specific son. It’s a poem about misunderstanding. Men don’t understand the challenges of women, so the poet lists the things that are not normally discussed - these things that women have to put up with – things men can’t possibly relate to. So she just wishes that all young men would grow up understanding the unspoken challenges of womanhood. Conclusion: The tone can’t be sinister – it’s not serious wishing. But it is serious wishing, because how else could men really understand unless they experience these things themselves?

  1. How would you paraphrase or interpret the final lines?

let them think they have accepted

arrogance in the universe,

then bring them to gynecologists

not unlike themselves.


Possibility: “Let them believe they have learned to deal with arrogance and ego, then take them to gynecologists (who are even more arrogant) who believe they understand.”


  1. The poem, including the title, has no capital letters. But it does have periods. What other rhythms does it have?

Idea: The periods might signify periods in a woman’s life. They don’t occur in the poem with regularity, and that might parallel how many women don’t have reliable periods (cycles). Another idea is the one that women go through different periods of life at different times – like pregnancy or menopause happens at different times for different women. What about the lack of capital letters? Does the lower case “i” seem to mean anything visually? Hmmmm


Wed, Mar 23


DUE TODAY: Responses to Wright "The Man Who Was ..."


FOCUS: Symbol, the question of the difference between a man and boy


NEW VOCABULARY taken from Pollitt, Sanders, and Wright:

  1. robust
  2. prenatal
  3. cognitive
  4. hoopla
  5. differentiate
  6. innate
  7. tentative
  8. ambivalent
  9. heirarchy
  10. ideology
  11. inculcate
  12. marginal
  13. finicky
  14. savvy
  15. potent
  16. slog
  17. grievance
  18. scrimp
  19. fret (not the guitar type)
  20. baffle
  21. sprawl
  22. muster
  23. "play possum"
  24. queer (not the sexual meaning) 


DISCUSSION: Questions surrounding the character Dave in Wright's story 


SYMBOL: The question of Dave's gun and a poem by Billy Collins called "The Lanyard" 


Tue, Mar 22


DUE TODAY: Bring your top ten potential sources!


FOCUS: Computer Lab for Research!




Mon, Mar 21


DUE TODAY: n/a - have you been doing your research?


FOCUS TODAY:  Read the Richard Wright short story in the packet and begin the prompts. Feel free to work together.


Richard Wright prompts (3 from the packet, plus two additional)

  1. Why does Dave place such emphasis on owning a gun?
  2. Do you assume that at the end of hte story Dave is a man, or that he is only an immature boy who may come to a sad end? Explain.
  3. Does the title strike you as odd? Would "The Boy Who Was Almost a Man" be more appropriate?
  4. At what points in the story is Dave certainly NOT a man? Are there points when he IS?
  5. Explore the gun as a symbol. What does it symbolize for Dave? For others?


Take home the "Tests of Evidence" (.doc) handout and begin examining your sources. Decide which sources are strongest based on the tests outlined. DO NOT wind up with a "Works Cited" page that has a preponderance of author-free sources. 


Here is an extra copy (.doc) of the Test of Evidence Worksheet (with the ratings of 1, 2, 3)


Fri, Mar 18




FOCUS: Writing about rhetorical devices


We will explore Sanders' use of rhetorical devices further, then have a timed QUIZ.


Hint: Study the purpose of anaphora and review logos, pathos, ethos 


Thu, Mar 17


DUE TODAY: Sanders responses


FOCUS: thesis, anaphora, parallelism, anecdote, causal relationships


Review of Pollitt, per the notes from two classes ago (see below)


Discussion of Sanders - issues:



Wed, Mar 16


DUE TODAY: Top two choices for research topic


FOCUS: Research on PROQUEST and other "pay" databases




The MAIN POINT: Don't rely on the "free web" to get reliable, objective, relevant data for your research. Use instead the databases available through the library system that have already vetted the articles and their sources.

  1. Available through the Pierce County Library System:
  2. Available through the SHS Library



Tue, Mar 15


DUE TODAY: Reading responses to Pollitt


FOCUS: Strategies in rhetoric and composition, selecting a good research topic


Discussion on Pollitt: "Why Boys Don't Play with Dolls"


Items to notice:


Discussion of the RESEARCH PROJECT


Mon, Mar 14


DUE  TODAY: Ready for the quiz?


FOCUS: Vocab study, preparation for research


Challenge vocab quiz for 100 SAT words


"Bridge" lecture taking us from "Antigone" to a quick study of rhetoric in the unit: "Gender Study: Making Men and Women"


Reading Packet One (texts only available in class, writer bios only available online):


Thu, Mar 10




 FOCUS: In-class write and test


First, the in-class timed write set at 25 minutes (same as SAT) in which you will analyze the rhetorical devices in a selected speech


Then, the traditional final exam/quiz on Antigone